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Showing posts from August, 2022

Fire sprinkler systems: A beginner’s guide

  The fire sprinkler system is a critical component of any building's protection against fires. Installed in ceilings or side walls, this system consists of a water supply and distribution piping with sprinkler heads. The aim is to automatically discharge when there's been an issue such as fire; though it won't trigger just off smoke exposure either- instead you'll need some form of accelerant nearby (like burning wood). It suppresses the flames by putting out their exce      ss energy before they can spread further through your home. If you think that water is just something to drink, then I have some bad news for your sprinkler system. This ancient technology has been around since the late 19th century and it's still being used today with over 40 million heads fitted each year! A typical system will involve holding pressure in a network of pipes running through buildings all across town- so if there are any leaks or problems up ahead on our route let us know becau...